Thursday, December 20, 2007

Memoirs of a College Student >> from Pallav

As a child, we all dream

Brooding over our ice-cream

One day I shall become

An engineer, a doctor or a nun

Naïve as we are

Shining brightly as that distant star

Until we reach a stage

Oh, what a suffocating cage.

Our careers to think about

Intentions, our parents doubt

STUDY STUDY is the cry

Until their vocal chords run dry

And then the exams come

Easy to some

Horror to others

Set a many a heart aflutter

And when you heave a sigh of relief

Confident in your own belief

The results are declared

Your parents more than you, are scared

Some people succeed

Others, tears of disappointment bleed

But after many heart breaks,

The moment to cut the cake.

You get into a college somewhere

With gleeful looks, your parents stare.

And then you set out

With energy, enthusiasm and a lot of clout

And then reality sets in

It’s a grossly sin.

All alone in this thing called life

Waiting for you with sharpened knives

Classes, friends all anew,

For lunch, you have stew

Feeling homesick

Heart giving itself hard kicks

But as time files by

All these feelings die

You study, play and enjoy,

“Go home, but why?”

Seeing those girls in the passage way
In heaven my heart seemed to lay

The countless walks around the park,

stop friends would bark!!!

Friends are your new ideology,

Exam, your biggest folly!!!

You have ups and downs,

Facets of you in the form of gowns.

Discovering yourself

Into the depths of personality you delve.

And then comes the time to go

Astounding memories seem to flow!!!

Friends w are separated from,

As if a by a horrendous storm.

We recall the day we came

And our rise up the ladder of fame.

More knowledgeable we are

Viewing again that distant star.

We realize how time has flown

In 20 years how we’ve grown.

But the memories of the past few years

Shall bring loads of tears.

As we set out our sails

With sadness my heart wails,

Sadness and tears it sends

As my memoirs come to an end!!!!

The original post can be found at ~

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ghost writer's------>


“Coffee?”, I asked

"Sure," she replied.

We'd never met. In person, that is. We'd met online two weeks ago. What had started out as a one line email, had turned into chatting on various instant messengers from home, for hours everyday. It turned into what was a stress buster for both of us.

"But where?" she asked, after a pause.

"Any place that's convenient for you, I guess."

"Hmmm," she replied, as if thinking aloud. "Ok. Seven thirty?"

"Done," I said. An hour. "Where'll you be?"

"Remember that place I told you about that's right next to the park?"

"Sounds good."

I logged off, and headed for the shower.

We'd both bought new laptops recently and that had been the thing we'd first started talking about. But we'd soon switched to everything else, like ourselves, our lives, our likes, our dislikes, movies, music, books and even the weather!

I dried my hair, I thought about what I was going to do. I was a little nervous. After all, I had never done something like this before. It felt quite strange, really.

I chose a simple white-t-shirt and my light blue jeans. The shirt needed ironing. I checked my watch. I still had half an hour.

Once I was ready, I picked up my laptop bag, and walked to my car.

My friends had told me everyone was doing it these days, but that didn't take my mind off the fact that I knew I was doing something that I considered just a little... weird. I mean I'd known her for barely two weeks. And, a coffee shop? It just felt a little... different.

I had to park a little way away from the coffee shop. Parking was always a problem there in the evening. I was glad I had decided to leave a few minutes early.

I chose my table, sat down, and started setting up my laptop. It was 7:29 when I got my Instant Messenger window open. She wasn't there yet. A few seconds later, she came online, and her message window popped up. "Hi!" she said.

"Hi," I replied. "Just reached?"

"Yep," she said. "So what are you ordering?"

"A Mocha Malt, I think. You?"

"Oh, Espresso with whipped cream. So how's the weather there in London?"

"It's beautiful. Not too sunny, not too cold. Just right. What about Mumbai?"



Have you ever. 1.Smoked a cigarette? :only a few times. 2.Crashed a friend's car? :Never been behind the wheels. 3.Stolen a car? :Nope, not even a toy car 4.Been in love? :yup!! 5.Been dumped? :yup :(( 6.Shop lifted? :Hmm, nope. Guess am too big a Coward for that. 7.Been in a fist fight? : yeah!Sometime my karate practices would turn into one of those :D 8.Snuck out of your parent's house? :Nae, never struck me. 9.Had feeling for someone who didn`t have them back? :Yup kinda. 10.Been arrested? :Nope 11.Gone on a blind date?: Sadly No. 12.Skipped School? :Yes both school & college many times He He He....... 14.Been on a plane? :Yes. 15.Seen Someone die? :Nope,Never want to 16.Been to Canada? :Nope 17.Purposely set a part of yourself on fire? :Nope 18.Been jet-skiing? :No again 19.Met someone in person from the Internet? :soon going to....:) 20.Taken pain killers? :yes many time. 21.Flown a kite? :Sadly no 22.Build a sand castle? :Nope, never been to the beach much 23.Gone puddle jumping? :Yuck! I hate dirty feet. 24.Cheated while playing a game? : Hmmmm, I don`t remember. 25.Been lonely? :yes! still also & a lot back in the past. 26.Fallen asleep at work or school/college? :Yup 27.Used a fake ID? :No, Never. 28.Felt an earthquake? :Yup. twice though but that to be v- mild one. 29.Touched a snake? :Not unless you count a toy snake 30.Slept beneath the stars? :Oh yeah! 31.Been misunderstood? Hmm, a couple of times, on trivial matters to a trivial extent. 32.Won a contest? : Yeah, a couple of time. 33.Run a red light/stop sign? :Humm, no. 34.Been suspended from the school? :Nope. 35.Been in a car accident? :NO 36.Eaten a whole pint of ice-cream in one night? :No:( 37.Walked the street drunk? : No Though. but i wanna to give a try. 38.Had dejavu? :Many times, mostly in childhood 39.Danced in the moonlight? :Hmm, no wait, yeah a couple of times again 40.Witnessed a crime? : Nope not yet. 41.Been obsessed with post-it notes? :Nope 42.Squished bare foot through the mud? :I said i hate dirty feet. 43.Been lost? : Yeah! many time. 44.Been on the opposite side of the country? :Yeah,down there in south. 45.Swum in the ocean? yes. 46.Cried yourself to sleep? : Again allot, in my childhood. 47.Played cops & robbers? :Yeah. 48.Recently coloured with crayons? : yup:) 49.Sung Karaoke? : Nope 50.Paid for a meal with only coins? :Nope 51.Done something you told yourself you would`nt? :Oh!yeah,&DAT too a big one. 52.Made prank phone calls? : Yup, that too my principal & quite a few with my friends too 53.Caught a snow flake on your tongue? :Haven`t seen one even, & you talking of ca hing it 54.Written a letter to Santa clause? :No, Don`t be live in santes. 55.Blow bubbles? : Yup yup yup!!! 56.Bonfire on the beach? :No beach, bonfire in the garden though. 57.Cheated on the test? ; yeah at school time. 58.Gone skinny- dipping in a pool? :Yup in childhood but now no pool, no swims, no skinny dips:D 59.Still miss somebody? :Um mm..... yeah.. i do:(( 60.Pray to God? : yes daily before going to bed:)

Sukhi's - - - ->

I love newspapers

NEWSPAPERS!!! i love you.... ok this is not because i am doing my graduation in journalism...and so i love' em....hmmm.. you can consider that as ONE of the this post .....i adore they are the 'life savers'....this is a bit exageration ( but u can always accept such exagerations from a good journalist in making..:D)

FLASH BACKok this was the time when we ( me and rims, u cn call her my better/bitter half) had just known about the internet....say we were in our class 7....and were all excited to explore the internet...CHATTING was the best the world we used to think...and...were all really excited to go to chat rooms...nd make new friends....

we actually spent our whole pocket the the cyber cafe but anyways look at this in a postive manner.... we contributed to Jayshree cyber cafe lot and it helped for its bussinees to run in full swing...

it was like 30 bucks...for an hour....and that one hour was like....awesome for us....go chat with for ur favourite actors fotograph......take the print out....keep it in ur wallet....not tht we use to get those postcard size fotographs of actors in stationary shops...'s internet's different.....hehehe when we think about it now....its really weired...and now wen u hv 24*7 net at ur place....

but once i remember...we sat for a long time in the dint had that much money...and the bill had already crossed 100 bucks....we both were all sad and actually dint know wat to do...just told the unlce that we wud give u the csh in half an hour...but it was not our parents wud have killed us....if we told them about the surfing and chatting thingie....but who says that sukhi nd rims dont have brain..we actually do have when it comes to....such wicked things...we straight away went to our respective houses..and got ....our raddi....we made nice fat amount by selling the newspapers to raddiwala....and that was the time...wen i came to know..that we actually get more money from english newspapers...than regional ones...that time my dad used to subscribe only marathi newspapers....but the very next day i managed to convince my dad....that english newspapers are...more knowledgable and all tht crap...nd he subscribed for an english issue.....he was all proud of her daughter that she is actually taking interest in journalism and all that....but sorry dad...tht time andar ki baat toh kuch aur hi thi.....hehehehe me and my devil mind....( a devil smiley)and now you people....know why i love...newspapers and y r they life savers ....hehehehe

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sneha's ---->

looking outside ....

i look outside
rain is fast...
i want to catch cold...please god!
i have not completed my class work
and dont want to go to school..
hey! the design the wheels of my anto makes
on the road while it moves is nice...
uncle please go fast
or it will stop raining before my house comes...
i wont speak to neha
he talked to shilpa yesterday
that shilpa told me "stupid."
i look outside n its raining.....

I look ouside n its raining.....
7th boards are in a week,
where is this auto driver taking me?
its wrong route!
oh god! what will he do?kidnap me?
this street is new-it has so many huts clustered
mom was speaking otherday about
people in andra who sell girls
did he speak telgu?why did he smile at me?
i look outside and its raining......

i look outsiden its raining...
what should i say?
nayan asked me out-
i kinda like him....but is he the guy i always wanted?
oh! look at the guy n the girl there...
he is holding her hand while they cross the street!
maybe someday someone will see me n nayan together ...
the girl is super pretty-i hav GOT to lose a few inches,
rashmi says rudr has a thing for me
but i'd never know n moreover i like nayan...
its so beautiful out there...
i look outside n its raining..

I look outside n its raining...
its taking longer than ususal,
this auto guy is taking the longer route
he shouldnt have taken the right turn
we wouldn have to travel this long,
these people think we are fools-
there was a call from the onsite team,
i should talk to krupan about it
and i DONT want kids now-
let me earn as much as possible
n make the most of my peak career years
why cant krupan n ma understand
AGAIN!!!-- bhaiya!! take a u turn n
take the street below thw flyover...phew...these auto drivers!!
i look outside n its raining...

I look outside n its raining...
Medha is going out of control-not that i control her..
i am educated n friendly
i try to befriend her rather than being her mom,
why does she do this,act like she's the one who suffers all the time!
she doesnt even talk..
what am i supposed to do?cry like a bollywood mom?
dunno whats bothering her-
but that doesn give her a reason to smoke;
god!!! I respect the idea of personal space n all that can she blame me....
though i wasnt with her 24/7 ironing her clothes,n cookinjg for her
but i was there whenever she needed me-her boards,her break up..
i was there....
i look outside n its raining...

Manisha's ------->


Fifth. That was the fifth cup of espresso I was having. Never before was I so dependent on espresso for relieving my rampant thoughts! Fifth? I never had so much espresso in my entire life in one take. That too within interval of 15 minutes! It soothed me. Really. The strong and hot effect made my head clear of all the thoughts and soothed the churning effects I was having in my stomach from the past one-hour.

I was waiting. Waiting since the past hour. The jukebox was luckily playing some really delightful songs. End of Stairway to heaven start of Hotel California.

On my left was this couple canoodling from what seemed like ages!! Holding hands, staring at each other the same way I was to my seat in front of me, but I was sans emotions. An elderly woman was on my right. There was this peculiarity about her that I noticed. There were freckles on her skin but instead of marring her beauty they made her beautiful! Otherwise the café was empty apart from the workers. I asked for a sixth cup. The attendant eyed me as if eyeing a drug addict who was going on asking for another sniff!! What is it to do with him? He’s here only for doing his work. He went towards the café counter and placed the order. Even the man there saw me as if there was some zombie sitting in front of him and asking him to grant his blood so that I could drink his blood. No I want coffee!!!

He came in. Eyes. It was his eyes I saw first. There was something in them. Something I was desperate to know and he was desperate to tell. My brother? I never saw him like this!

“It’s raining pretty bad outside” he said.
“Oh, I didn’t notice actually. Now tell me. I have been waiting here for one hour.”
“Six? You had six espressos?”
“That’s unimportant. Talk.”
“I did it again”
“Stop the time”
“No one can stop time. No one. So just don’t kid. Tell me what’s wrong?”
“I can and I did. I really did. It’s impossible to believe but its true.”
“Ok. If you have called me here to tell me this crap I am leaving. Is this some kind of sick joke you wanna play?”
“I am serious. Damn serious. You will have to believe me. Please. Its only you who can help me.”
“What help do you want from me? I can’t do anything for this. Really.”
“See only you know about this. And I can’t possibly tell anyone.”
“So what do you want from me?”
“Nothing just get me rid of this power.”
“By taking it.”
“You sound like some prophet. This is all nincompoop and I am believing you.”
“Coz you have to. It does contain some truth.”
“Go on.”
“See, either you take it or help me destroy it.”
“Ok. I won’t take it but I can help destroy it. Tell me how”
“Just stop dreaming.”
“Pinch yourself you are dreaming. Just stop it.”
“No I am not. I am not dreaming.”
“I am telling you. I stopped time when you were dreaming and I entered your dream. This is why the dream isn’t ending. Now I have released time. All you have to do is break the dream. When you break your dream, you will return to the place where you were sleeping and I will be a free bird.”
“But why the hell did you have to enter my dream?”
“I don’t have an answer for that.””Ok can I pinch myself now? By the way where am I when I am seeing this dream?”
I pinch myself and wake up to find myself in Barista. And how? Sleepy eyed. It takes time for me to remember why I was here. Oh yes my brother. I am here to meet him. I see in front of me are five espressos. Huh???? How did I manage to SLEEP after having espressos?
He enters.
“Hey look at your eyes. Have you been sleeping all the while??”
“Didn’t you tell me you had powers of stopping the time? You had entered my dream.”
“Jeez!! U have gone nuts. What are you talking about? I am here to discuss my project on time management with you dear!!”
“Time management? Same thing.”


Two Generations of Women - Reviewed

This is actually my second post. But since comments were not enabled on it, and I couldn't find out how to enable them, so I reposted it. And obviously and for obvious reasons I did not change anything in it. Comments invited!

Now before I commence with my second post (though I've started blabbering already!) I have a few people to thank. Yes, well guessed! Friends, acquaintances and total strangers, who read my blog (my first ever post) and gave their humble (and not-so-humble) comments on it. So continuing with my patchwork, I have more to write, though there isn't anything philosophical that is coming to my mind today.

My vacations started 2nd May. And if I quote a friend of mine (err.. another blogger) - "Vellagiri" (or Navrebaazi for my dear gujju friends) is "on full roll". Which in fact accounts for my Mom's thunderbolts (on her head) and cloudbursts (on my head). After all, mothers have to worry about their daughters not working in the house and wasting their time blogging. In their opinion (ohh, the word "their" is debatable, considering the fact that some mothers may be bloggers too, thus not being as opposed to blogging like my MommyDearest is but then its for all mothers who are against blogging) blogging wastes the precious time daughters could spend (which the daughters invariably read as "waste") keeping their rooms clean, learning to cook (for their worse better halves) and of course, by studying (to find a better half for whom they eventually have to cook). I do not know which one is done to get the other. The education to get the better half, the better half to get the cooking (eventually), or the education for cooking?

Murphy is so right when he says, "Mothers only offer advice on two occasions: when you want it and when you don't..."

Never mind mothers and daughters because in my opinion, mothers and daughters can and will do whatever they want, whenever they want and however they want. Guys (and men) will usually say a mother has a beautiful, mysterious and strange aura around her, but then that comes only because of the fact that no matter how hard a son tries, he cannot understand his mother better than she understands him. And then an equal and opposite reason lies behind the thunderbolts and cloudbursts between the mother and the daughter. A mother can never understand a daughter better than the daughter understands her mother. Feels strange? But that is true. A daughter actually understands her mother better than anyone else. And the "anyone", oddly enough, also encompasses the grandmother!

And guys have an even more hilarious interpretation of girls. In their opinion all girls are alike (so much like what we think about guys too!). Guys will unanimously agree that girls are nosy, troublesome, and expensive! Nuts aren't they? (This one from me, about guys). They invariably spot three items to prove their point. Phone bills from one milestone to another, dressing tables full of all kinds of creams (even if they don't know the difference between a fairness cream, a sunscreen and a vanishing cream) and purses and wardrobe full of jewellery and beauty-equipment (they can advice you to use a lipstick in place of a mascara - the effect is the same.. they will tell you). Yes, they are one of those not-so-chivalrous breed who will open a gal's purse to prove themselves right, to our utter annoyance. But then this is only the tip of the iceberg, there is more to guys than fun-making friends, rude brothers and boy-friends (need I say more about this breed of guys?). Because we gals are closest to our Dads than anyone else, and even if we don't know much about Dads, we can rely on them to tell them that we didn't do so well in the last college internal. We can easily be bratty in front of Dads and see out jewellery cravings being fulfilled!

But now please turn the spotlight on me! Yes, I detest creams and jewellery. Much to the annoyance of my mother and my aunts who want me to thread away the eyebrow (if you don't know "what" it is I can tell you "how" it is - painful), wear that flashy dress to the wedding, wear a better jeans to the college look fairer, and oh! Get slimmer! Hey, I need a break now... As such, you must be resenting turning the spotlight on me, as i look like no star, who needs a spotlight.

So please gimme a break. I have blabbered enough about mothers and daughters and earned enough wrath of my mother for blogging away the evening while I was supposed to add validation to the website I made for the company where I have this project.

Fare Well..!!

Zahid's --->

The angelic devil !!!

I knew this creature, one year less than I knew myself…..She is the single most creature who shares the same set of blood as I. And when this creature returned from her music classes smiling all by herself and yet at the same time trying to hide it, I knew she would invade my time after dinner.

“Hey gruff….Things are happening pretty fast”.

She was a whiz at coining out new nick-names every other day. Not only did she dole out these words but she had her own sense of logic behind them. I have passed through chum, crank, prank, Socrates, flush, qwerty, magpie and many more…. and now it was Gruff!!!

“How fast? ”
“I don’t know….Just felt like saying….”
“Abt Music?”
“Music is love”
“I cant get u….be to the point dear!!!”

I was in no mood for telepathy but I cudn’t usher her away. Something told me that she needed me.

“Gruff!! I cant understand why or rather how”

So, she couldn’t tell me that in the eyes. So I took a newspaper and began to read it, waiting for more of her. Both of us knew that.

“Gruff! I guess I am in love.”

Any question of who, what or where he is would have made her reluctant to talk more. She came to me out of all others bcoz she knew I wouldn’t inquire but listen, and listen more than speak.

Slowly I lowered the news paper and started staring at her while she poured out her story. I had to be really careful that the stare wasn’t derisive. At the end, I was in a fix. Well, What did she expect of me now? Answering this was quite a challenge.

I dint know what to do……Alright!!! I managed to say I would love to meet him. And she got a smile on her face for this.

There was a sudden sense of closeness in those moments. And the sweet devil took benefit of this moment to delve into me. Slowly I found myself reciting my only love, I had successfully hidden from everybody all these years, to her and she was staring at me with the same élan. Something inside me told that it was a pretence but I was already in the trap.

Hours passed. It was two in the night. No notion to sleep. We sat down giggling.

Suddenly she says “Gruff!! I wasn’t in any kind of love. I dint know any such boy. And i even dint....”
“But you….”
“I made it all up…”
***she is hit with a pillow I threw upon her* **
“Just you wait, I will….”
***No use yelling, she is already down rolling and laughing* **

It would be silly if I claim not knowing any girl either. The worst part was that she knew enough about me now to blackmail me for a treat every other weekend at every other coffee corner. And her treats were damn expensive!!!!

I must have known this before. Can’t do anything now….Just that I will wait till the day she really finds someone and then be a merciless devil myself. But yeah!! She is my only sister. And such a sweet one too….. I must admit, It was a pleasure falling into her trap….. Just hope she isn’t too hard on my pocket - - - - The Angelic devil !!!

P.S : I don’t have a sister, But how I wish I had one !!! To fight, tease and share myself with !!!!